Monday, 24 November 2014


Last monday I hosted a photoshoot at the school, I bought in 5 of my friends from outside of school. Here are a few examples of the photos I took:

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Photos I have taken

I have taken some photos at previous concerts and I thought I could use some of them in my magazine. 

Behind the scenes of photoshoot

On monday i did a photo shoot for my magazine. I had 6 models in to help me and they all allowed me to take photos to use. I have 3 main people for my front cover who will pose as a boy band, I decided this because it it different and there are a lot of indie connotations with bands. I also have 2 girls to go in my contents page and one boy. I used girls and boys to add variation and to ensure I am appealing to the widest target market I can.

Lesson 13

I continued adding to my contents page by adding some titles and substitute pictures. I also put in some substiture text where i am going to put all my text on the contents page. This helps me design the page as Igo and I can just put in the right text when I need to. I need to think of a name for my magazine so I can also start to design the logo or name to be put in the conrer of my magazine. I used the colour red to make it stand out as many exiting magazines currently use this technique.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Draft Proposal

This is my draft proposal for my music magazine. It is a summary of what I am thinking of basing my ideas on and what I would like my magazine to symbolise and who it would be aimed at. I will type this up in more deatail after I have got feedback off other people who have read it.

Lesson 12

This lesson we started to make the out line for our contents page. I used video tutorials to show me how to use the programme. I need to continue makin the frame work and plan my design so it best suits my target audience. 

Lesson 11

This lesson I added a lot to my blog. I uploaded y codes and conventions and institutions. I also did a blog tidy up so my presentation is better and I was able to navigate it easier. I also looked into what I need to add to my blog for example I need to analyse my responses to my questionnaire. 

Wednesday, 5 November 2014


This is a slide show about the institution that produce NME, a music magazine. This is talking about how often they produce the mgazines and why. Also, what else they do to keep people interested.


I Researched into the purpose of a music magazine for the audiences and why they are produced. I need this to look at my magazine ideas as i need to know what the purpose of my magazine is.

Conventions of Music Magazines.

This is the general codes and conventions of music magazines. I did some research into what is meant to be and what is generally on the front covers of magazines and why. This has helped me to see what I need to lay my magazine out like to look successful.